发送你的简历至: hr@diningcity.asia


Phone: 021-3107 6108
Email: hr@diningcity.asia
Address: 上海市徐汇区广元路135号, 200030,
No.135, Guangyuan Lu, Xuhui District, 200030



DiningCity作为国际领先的在线餐厅指南,在全球有超过25,000家的精选会员餐厅。DiningCity在荷兰,其他欧洲城市,北美,中东与亚洲陆续发布后,在2010年DiningCity(鼎食聚)中国正式启动。DiningCity鼎食聚即DiningCity中国现拥有超过350家的顶级会员餐厅。目前,由DiningCity(鼎食聚)中国举办的餐厅周有:上海餐厅周,北京餐厅周,广州餐厅周,深圳餐厅周以及香港餐厅周。想要了解详情,请查看DiningCity(鼎食聚)中国官方网站:www.diningcity.cn, www.restaurantweek.cn, www.restaurantweek.hk, www.diningcitydeals.com

Copywriter Intern 文案实习生

  • 你是否愿意在一个国际化的团队里做工作?你是否热爱美食?你是否是吃货来着?
    Are you willing to do a job in an international team? Do you love food? Are you a foodie?

    岗位职责 Responsibilities:

    1、 协助编辑微信公众号及新浪微博官方帐号发布的内容;
    Assist edit the content of WeChat public and Sina micro-blog official
    2、 协助编辑公司品牌推广、新闻稿等文案;
    Assist to edit the company's brand promotion, news manuscript and other
    copywriting cases.

    岗位要求 Requirements:

    1、 本科学历,中文、新闻传媒类相关专业优先;
    Undergraduate education, Chinese, journalism and media related major
    2、 一周可工作4-5天,实习期至少6个月
    Can work 4-5 days a week, the internship period is at least 6 months
    3、 具有出色的文字驾驭能力,文字功底好,能独立撰写软文、新闻稿等;
    With excellent writing ability, good text, and can write soft articles, press
    releases and so on.
    4、 有平面设计基础,会使用PS优先; 
    Have Graphic Artist Designer basis, able to used PS will be plus.